Sunday, December 18, 2011

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FOR MORE workouts:: Pull-ups are one of the BEST exercises for your back. They'll put muscle on your back fast -- and you don't need any equipment to do them! Not only do they build muscle, but they also build great functional strength and athleticism since you are lifting...

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Monday, October 31, 2011

George, Is The Squat Necessary?

!±8± George, Is The Squat Necessary?

I have been asked this a number of times by my phone consult clients. Growing up in a power lifting gym, you learn pretty quick that the squat is the king of exercises and if you want your body to grow, you better master it.


Any "big exercise" that employs that kind of muscle mass in the body is a growth exercise. See... although we all know that the quads are the main movers in the squat, it also works to a lesser degree the calves, lower back, hamstrings, gluteus and because of the nature of the exercise, meaning you have to really contract and lock every part of your body to perform this exercise, the squat stimulates growth in all the muscles groups.

Back over 30 years ago, in an area YMCA that I cut my teeth in, there was a man named George Minor. Back in that time bodybuilding was not as prevalent as it is today and the YMCA weight room was mainly power lifters, with only a couple of bodybuilders, myself and my mentor at the time, Roger being the couple. George stood about 5'3" and weighed about 230 pounds. He was a massive man who was a power lifter. Well, talk about high intensity abbreviated training, George had the ultimate workout. I didn't know back then until I was already into my bodybuilding career, but George was onto something that would later be utilized by the likes of Mike Mentzer and myself and others, to create growth, strength and mass in not only ourselves but our training clients.


George would come into the gym every 5-10 days around lunch hour for him. He worked in the iron mill, which of course added stress of a physical nature to his life. He walked in usually barefoot and in shorts, no shoes, he didn't like to squat with shoes on. The Y had some upright squat stands, very basic that fit George' stature, just right! As you know by know, his first exercise of his workout was the squat. George didn't like to use any belt either, or super suit, or knee wraps or anything else that would act as an aid.

George squatted with the bar below his traps, on his rear delts, the way most power lifters or those around power lifters learned to squat. Although many bodybuilders are taught to train with high bar squats, George's thighs were massive to look at... so his style of squatting did not hamper the growth of his thighs.

George also went what he called "Rock Bottom" and just did not know what a partial squat was all about and because of it, his development and strength showed it.


The warm up was pretty basic... George did not believe that you should have to warm up with countless sets. He believed that it would take away from the ultimate effort set. George did sometimes one warm up, maybe two and most of the time none! He would put a couple of plates on each side of the bar if he decided to warm up that day, take it off the racks and do one maybe two reps, that is all he needed he said.


George's famous quote (he had a couple) and he would say to me, "Bill, your not a man unless you can go rock bottom with 600 pounds" and he would let out a half grunt half laugh sorta like "ha". Now George had one of the deepest voices I had ever heard, he was a true Hercules of his day.


George would load 600 pounds on an Olympic bar, a site to see. He would put collars on the bar and secure them tight to not have any accidents and as he unracked the bar, as it was bending over his shoulders, without any belt, straps etc, he would go ROCK BOTTOM for one rep with 600 pounds. Yep, ass to the floor, rack the weight and walk out of the gym! DONE!


Is this so hard to believe? We read all kinds of complicated articles and look at all types of workouts in the muscle magazines that have you doing 3 sets of this, 4 sets of that... keep it simple! George only added bench presses to his workout to re establish his benching form. George did this just a month before a power meet. George was a 400 pound bencher and was natural, no drugs! Except for one, I will tell you about later! George also did not deadlift, except about two weeks before the meet, again for style. So here you have a natural athlete, who is a 400 bencher, 600 squatter and a 585 dead lifter whose entire workout is ONE SET OF SQUATS!


In my bodybuilding career, especially in the beginning when I was a teenager and competing, I tried a number of routines. However, growing up in a power lifting gym helped me to get good and strong in the very basic of exercises.

Reading and studying the findings of Mike Mentzer also helped me to understand what productive anaerobic exercise was all about and aided me greatly to be a successful competitive bodybuilder.

Moving through into today and after training a number of clients as well as myself, I learned early on that it is all about intensity of effort. It is not how much you do but how you do it. It is the stimulus as the body is affected and then compensates systemically and then overcompensates, that matters. Sometimes this could take days and sometimes weeks.

My best gains of my career was when I trained with abbreviated routines and at the slightest sign of not being recovered yet, my training partner and I would go eat rather than train and would normally take a few more days off.

While on the road for two years as a musician some years back, I stayed away from the gym totally. In my house I had a home made leg press machine, a dipping bar and chin up bar. I would do 1 set of leg presses, one set of chins with my hands facing me (the conventional way) and one set of dips to failure, a couple of times a week. I not only maintained my existing muscle mass but increased my strength and size. Two years later I returned to the gym and the first day back, without ever benching in those two years, benched almost 400 pounds! The dip is the squat of the upper body.

I just had an RUSerious student, one of whom I am working to make a training video with, just gain 31 pounds of muscle in 13 weeks, while training once every 7-8 days for 15 minutes. He used 3 sets per workout, 2 separate workouts. His total training time was 3 hours and 15 minutes total in those 13 weeks. I am cutting him down to 2 sets every 8-10 days moving forward to insure further gains.

WHY? Because he has grown so strong and his contractions are so much more intense, (and although you can increase your strength by 300 percent, your ability to recover only increases 50 percent) that his workout volume must be reduced along with his frequency of workouts so that the compensation and then the over compensation can occur.

WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? You can either train long or hard, but you can't train long and hard... compare the sprinter with the distance runner. Since he is stronger and bigger, what used to take him 8 days to recover then build added muscle will now take longer because there are only so many available resources allow. And, because of this, the least that can be done to stimulate muscle growth will leave more to go into the growth process. Training is always a negative. If we could stimulate without training, that would be the perfect scenario. If the volume and frequency of his workouts were not managed correctly, he would quickly move into a state of being over trained.

WHAT IS OVERTRAINING? Overtraining is doing anything more than is required to stimulate a positive gain.


The only thing that George really induldged in and he truly loved was not a drug. He loved McDonald's Egg McMuffins. He would say to me, "Bill, I love Egamuffins". Thank you George for your wisdom!! :-))))

George, Is The Squat Necessary?

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Pro Fit Iron Gym with Push Up Pro Combo Workout Pack

!±8±Pro Fit Iron Gym with Push Up Pro Combo Workout Pack

Brand : TVTimeDirect
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Oct 24, 2011 14:56:03
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Pro Fit Iron Gym:You can do pull ups and chinups, situps, pushups, and dips. In addition, with the bonus mail-in offer, you can get ab strabs that allow you to hang in mid air to further strengthen your core abs! Iron Gym is the multi function training bar that combines every exercise you need to build a powerful upper body. Its the ultimate body sculpting and strength building tool that helps shape the upper body and tones your midsection. Now you can have a pull up bar at home without having to damage your walls or doors with a permanent installation. Take it off the door when you want to do push ups or sit-ups. It is so versatile, one piece of equipment to do pull/chin ups in 3 grip positions (narrow, neutral, and wide) sit ups, crunches, pushups, and tricep dips. The durable steel construction holds up to 300 lbs. It is designed to fit residential doorways 24" to 32" wide with doorway trim or molding up to 3 ½ inches wideFeatures:Total upper body workout bar attaches and removes from doorframe in seconds No drilling, no tools and no fasteners needed Heavy duty steel construction Turns any doorway into a personal gym; installs in seconds Ideal for pull-ups, push-ups, chin-ups, dips, crunches, and more Three grip positions, narrow, wide, and neutral Uses leverage to hold against the doorway so there are no screws and no damage to door Push Up Pro:Unlike regular push ups that place a lot of strain on the wrist, the Push Up Pro uses a more natural movement of the arms and shoulders to maximize results with less stress to the wrist. The rotation movement engages more muscles resulting in - The Ultimate Upper Body Workout! Works more muscles, reduces strain on joints.Get fit quick with professional Push Up Pro rotating push up grips! Sculpt, tone, shape and define your upper body quickly and efficiently with the Push Up Pro. Includes:Push Up Pro set of 2 Grips Ultimate Upper Body Workout Guide

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Killer Six Pack Abs Workout Without Crunches

!±8± Killer Six Pack Abs Workout Without Crunches

For a great six pack abs workout, you don't need to spend a ton of time focusing on ab specific exercises.

People spend way too much time doing endless numbers of crunches and other ab exercises, expecting this to melt away body fat and give them ripped abs. It just doesn't work that way.

If you want an effective six pack abs workout, you need to understand all the components involved.

You need to incorporate weight training, high intensity interval training, some ab work, and a proper nutrition program.

If all you do is focus on ab exercises you'll be very disappointed in your results.

In fact, you can get sexy abs without doing any direct ab work. A lot of exercises, both cardio and weight training, work the abs very effectively.

Some great weight training exercises that work the abs well include:
Barbell Squats Deadlifts Chin Ups Dips Lunges Reverse Lunges Dumbbell Squats Single Leg Squats Stiff Legged Deadlifts Dumbbell or Barbell Presses (Seated or Standing) Heavy Tricep Pressdowns Even exercises like push ups work the abs well

The key to getting your six pack abs to show is burning off enough body fat so that they can be seen. If you're doing cardio with bodyweight exercises and calisthenics, as well as quality weight lifting exercises, you're developing your abs.

Now you need a proper nutrition plan to go along with your six pack ab workouts to get lean enough for your abs to show.

To get a killer fat burning workout program, click here ==>> six pack ab workouts

Killer Six Pack Abs Workout Without Crunches

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Power Line Vertical Knee Raise Chin Dip

!±8± Power Line Vertical Knee Raise Chin Dip

Rate : | Price : $245.00 | Post Date : Sep 15, 2011 12:47:13
Usually ships in 4-5 business days

This freestanding VKR / Chin / Dip combo machine is exactly what you need to bulk up your arms and shoulders while you lose inches and rip your abs. Do knee raises, leg raises and oblique bends. Grab the dip handles to develop massive triceps. Do push-ups, pull-ups, and chin-ups. This machine has it all! Dimensions: 37L x 26W x 81H. Warranty: POWERLINE Ten Year Warranty on frame/ 1 year parts

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ectomorph workout - With the increase of muscle mass in 8 easy steps

!±8± Ectomorph workout - With the increase of muscle mass in 8 easy steps

It 'very possible to increase muscle mass quickly ectomorphs, once rejected the approach of joint training of countless interns, more is better, the volume is that more and more frequently. If you read this, probably the training, but are unhappy with your slow progress or even blocked. The problem with this approach is that it supports suitable for every person, but of bodybuilder talented individuals or drugs or both. If you are in this situationnot their fault, but above all the glossy magazines muscle and supplement industry to make a big deal of it misleading or hard natural gainer trainees. It 'really quite simple to increase muscle mass quickly, just the opposite of what you have read and do exercises. Here are the steps:

1) Use only the basic exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench press military, pullups, dips, and their variations. Not surprisingly, arethe most difficult exercises in which each individual can lift the most because of the volume of the muscles, thus promoting a natural increase in testosterone and growth. Forget biceps curls grow other special exercises until further notice, these basic exercises and your body.

2) do a full body workout with all the exercises are based upon very few works for everyone, as two or three sets to failure for the most part after a warm-up time. Remember, if you go to failure1 is set, the second is 100% extra workload, and a third in more than 50%. U.S. releases failed sparingly but effectively. Better, two sets to complete failure or even with forced reps or drop out two as a complete set of marathon sessions like the one preached in the bodybuilding magazines with 15-24 sets per body part. The full body workout is a great effect on the physiological system and anabolic steroids, much to pound into oblivion a single body part.

3) As a result of step 2)can start thinking about your body as a whole, as a harmonic drive, not a collection of body parts, off exercise. The idea of ​​shared routines have been supported by the need for drug development trainees, who have extended their natural resistance and recovery Artificially muscle, so that they do not train the whole body in one session for the time and energy to the reasons for drop . Do not miss the forest for the tree. Taking a step back, see what his body is and treat them with respect.

4) Releaserecover for at least 48 hours for both local and general fatigue effects of whole-body workout on the nervous system. Try it, you may need more time than individuals vary in their recovery time. For reasons not train two days in a row.

5) Not less than 6 hours sleep, but sleep 8 hours for a better recovery: the muscles grow during rest, especially during sleep. Losing sleep, and you'll miss out on growth.

6) to natural and balanced diet. Asare placed on the muscles is necessary in a positive anabolic state, about calories 200 / 300 Extra on your perfect metabolic balance. In this way you can keep the fat under control. You do not want to put 10 pounds of fat on top of 10 pounds of muscle mass. Do not overdo it integrated with proteins, as they know what they say, not as a replacement supplements. Also check for protein powder without aspartame is more natural, colors or flavors, as it is stored in adipose tissue tends todifficult to get rid of later.

7) In the ideal case, but not necessarily a guide of good quality for natural bodybuilders, hard gainer or ectomorphic is expected to invest in detail resolution. Stay away from magazines large and muscular / additions signs with their misinformation. They only make you waste time and money so they can continue to make money on your misery. You save a lot of anger and frustration in the long run. Just listen and ectomorphic hard gainers, who managedbefore and know what worked for them and for those who love them.

8) Follow these simple steps, you forget the bodybuilding magazines, and soon cut the ear.

Ectomorph workout - With the increase of muscle mass in 8 easy steps

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Body Solid Deluxe Vertical Knee Raise and Dip Station Power Tower GVKR82

!±8± Body Solid Deluxe Vertical Knee Raise and Dip Station Power Tower GVKR82

Brand : Body Solid | Rate : | Price : $345.00
Post Date : Aug 17, 2011 09:28:07 | Usually ships in 4-5 business days


  • Body-Solid's Exclusive Lifetime, In-Home Warranty Provides 100% Coverage for Every Part, Including Normal Wear Items
  • 10 Degree Reverse Pitch Increases Abdominal Range-of-Motion
  • Lat Pull-Up / Chin-Up Station Features Easy Step-up Entry
  • Push-Up Station is Cushioned and Mounted A Full 12" Off the Floor For The Deepest Pec Building Push-ups Possible
  • Heavy-gauge 2"x 2" All-4-Side Welded High Tensile Strength Steel Mainframe Construction

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Vertical Knee Raise with Dip Station

!±8± Vertical Knee Raise with Dip Station

Rate : | Price : $213.86 | Post Date : Aug 12, 2011 20:50:05
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Get in great shape with the XMark Vertical Knee Raise with Dip Station XM-4437. The multi-station XM-4437 includes a vertical knee raise, dip, push up, and crunch station. Build a firm chest, improve posture, strengthen arms, and develop abs with this single unit.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dip pull up station for improving your six-pack

!±8± Dip pull up station for improving your six-pack

If you get chiseled abs look flat area that are flaring lats and Dick, triceps, horseshoes, not to mention too thick breasts into strips, then, what you need is a dip pull station to work.

The best part is you do all this in the comfort of your own home, in your own time and at a fraction of the price of a subscription to a gym with your very own dip pull up station.

Busy people these days are finding it increasingly difficult to find timejoin a gym session as it once was, and if you're one of them is your very own station is just what you need.

A dip pull station has fixed slabs for the construction of thick horseshoe triceps, close or wide grip chin-up bar for biceps thickness dorsal to tip wide and thick, padded back with a comfortable padded handles and elbow supports horizontal leg raises, and as a solid base for the foot hook sculpture chiseled abs in a six-pack.

TheMulti-featured dip pull up station, which makes for a home gym surprisingly little space above the ground level also handles a number of push-ups, dishes and add details to the chest muscles.

What matters is not often that one of these functional and versatile piece of exercise equipment that takes up so little space, so if you want to use the body of a gym workout without the gym, find, pull out your confession dip station is the right way to be readyfor next summer.

Dip pull up station for improving your six-pack

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